How To Make Construction Sites A Little Greener

Mitchell Smith
Jul 4, 2023

How To Make Construction Sites A Little Greener

With The construction industry currently accounting for a staggering 40% of CO2 emissions worldwide and 36% of its energy usage, the calls for sustainable construction are growing louder and louder, with no sign of slowing down, the question is no longer "should my construction company start going green", its "how do I start turning my construction company green"?

Whilst there may still be an internal struggle within the industry on how quickly it should adopt more sustainable measures, construction businesses are finding themselves having to evolve sooner rather than later. Growing pressure on governments for more eco-friendly legislation to be passed, alongside net-zero targets, has helped push through an emboldened need for green.

One of the most resounding arguments against going green is the cost, despite the fact that often the more sustainable a building is, the higher the perceived value is than that of a traditional building.

The image of being a socially responsible business has also proved to be lucrative with 91% of consumers believing that companies should go above and beyond the minimum standards required by law to operate responsibly. The same percentage of consumers said they were more likely to switch companies based on their association with a good cause.

So whilst there will be road bumps along the way, making construction sustainable can be rewarding for both the planet and your business. Here are some of the ways we recommend you start to help your business to be more green:

  • Switch to renewable materials where possible: Many materials that are commonplace in construction are large contributors to the issue, up to 8% of the world's c02 emissions come from concrete. Reclaimed and naturally sourced materials such as bamboo and sheep's wool insulation. Materials with lower waste and carbon emissions such as precast concrete are great alternatives.
  • Improving efficiency through digitalisation: Many day-to-day manual practices on the construction site lead to lower efficiency and a high emissions output. Connected Construction helps improve efficiency by removing the risk of human error, resulting in reduced waste, and improved and more accurate project timings, even the bonus of going paperless contributes by being both sustainable and increasing productivity.  
  • Begin the switch to greener energy onsite: Fossil fuels might be in high demand, but they're in short supply. Switching to sustainable energy and fuel alternatives may cost a little more in the short term but are a smart long-term investment. Research has suggested that sustainable technology in the construction industry could save as much as €410bn a year on global energy spending.  

The road to a greener future in construction may not be straightforward, but it is one that businesses will have to travel down sooner or later. Contact us today to find out how can improve your company's efficiency and help your transition to a greener future.



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