Advancements in technology are driving almost every industry into the future, however, this doesn't mean you won't hit a speed bump now and then. We see it more often that you’d think, you spot a great product, you do your research, you know it would save your company time and money, then you’re hit with a big fat ‘no’ when you pitch it to the senior team.
Advancements in technology are driving almost every industry into the future, however, this doesn't mean you won't hit a speed bump now and then. We see it more often that you’d think, you spot a great product, you do your research, you know it would save your company time and money, then you’re hit with a big fat ‘no’ when you pitch it to the senior team.
Technology platforms such as our own digital toolbox may provide great solutions but the adoption process can sometimes be met with resistance, especially within an industry that is primarily based in the physical and not the digital. So how do you turn a technophobe into a tech lover?
Step One - Lead with ease:
The worst thing you can do to a technophobe is throw them in at the deep end, ensure the platform you are using is simple, straightforward and easy to use. To ensure this our app has been developed with the support of construction workers.
Step Two - The hard sell:
Once you have found the perfect online platform, you then have to convince your technophobe colleagues to engage with it. The best way to do so is to sell it to them based on their working style, if they are a busy worker, demonstrate how it can save them time, if they are struggling with organisation, show them how they can easily file away information that won't get lost. In essence, the key to getting any technophobe engaged is convincing them it will make their life easier.
Step Three - Personalisation:
At this stage you've got your technophobe onto the platform, but now how do we keep them there? As with step two, this is all about personalisation, ensuring the dashboard is set up with easy access to the tools they need, that their desired login method is selected, that everything they need is at the tip of their fingers. If it's set up to meet their needs, any potential roadblocks will be taken care of.
Step Four - Consistent Support:
Whether it's help from yourself or our team, it is paramount that we are on hand to resolve any issues as soon as they arise before your colleague gets a chance to form a negative association with your new tech.’s customer success team is a great example of helping users attune to the Site Management tools and even provides switch support for those migrating from a different platform.
Step Five - Positive Reinforcement: The final step is positive reinforcement, both for your newly converted tech loving colleague and for the platform you've chosen. Reminding them of the positive effect it has had both on yourself and other colleagues can help remind them of the benefits of technology in the workplace, and also reinforce how much it has helped them and their output. Some of these benefits may seem glaringly obvious but it never hurts to remind ourselves how far we've come.
The most important part of any transition to technology, is of course the tech platform itself. tools are known for their ease of use and providing solutions that work for all users. For more information on our Workforce Management tools, please feel free to get in contact or book a demo with us.